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OUR 24 HOUR HELPLINE IS 1-800-326-2164
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OUR 24 HOUR HELPLINE IS 1-800-326-2164
Answered by local AA members
last update 3.25.25
SUN, APRIL 13 @ 1:30pm
Methodist Church
711 Main St.
Sandpoint, ID
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SUN, APRIL 13 @ 1:30pm
Methodist Church
711 Main St.
Sandpoint, ID
also online
via Google Meets:
District 14 typically holds monthly meetings on the second SUNDAY of each month at 1:30 pm, in Sandpoint.
DISTRICT COMMITTEE Members 2024 - 2025
DCM Jerome W. 360.804.0163
ALT DCM Linda H. 208.627.3362
TREASURER Gino 208.946.9184
ALT TREASURER Nick 208.597.5766
SECRETARY Jett H. 907.280.9866
position needs filling
1-800 Number **
position needs filling
Activities Tracy P. 208.290.4163
Archives Bill B. 509.470.1998
Grapevine &
Literature Sally A. 424.422.5741
Public Information / CPC
Bruce L. 208.819.3369
Schedules Chair Tracy P. 208.290.4163
** please send all schedule changes to following email:
Treatment & Corrections
Chair: Kyle F. 208.217.8768
Bridging **
the Gap btgap@district14-aa.org
Third Legacy Chair ** position needs filling
Technology Chair ** position needs filling
Webmaster Melody M. 208.290.2924
District Committee Meetings schedule and locations
1. The district committee meets the second SUNDAYof each month at 1:30 PM
2. The location of all district meeting are being held in Sandpoint.
3. All A.A. members are welcome and encouraged to attend district committee meetings
Click here to download pdf version of District 14 Guidelines
Guidelines Approved 2021
A Declaration of Unity
This we owe to A.A.'s future; to place our common welfare first; to keep our Fellowship united. For on A.A. unity depend our lives, and the lives of those to come.
"A district is a geographical unit containing the right number or groups- right in terms of the committee member's ability to keep in frequent touch with them, to learn their problems, and to find ways to contribute to their growth and well-being."
Section I District Structure
A. District Committee
The district committee is composed of:
1. the district committee member (DCM)
2. an alternate district committee member (Alt-DCM)
3. the general service representative (GSR) of each registered group in the district
4. the district secretary
5. the district treasurer
6. the chairperson of each district standing committee
B. District Standing Committees
1. 1-800 Telephone Service Committee
2. Activities Committee
3. Archives Committee
4. Correctional Facilities and Treatment Facilities Committee
5. Grapevine and Literature Committee
6. Public Information I Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee
7. Schedules Committee
C. District Committee Meetings
1. The district committee generally meets the second Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM
2. The location of the district meeting rotates as follows:
Sandpoint, ID - February, April, June, August, October, December
Gardenia Center, 400 Church Street (across from Post Office) downstairs
Bonners Ferry, ID - January, March, May, July, September, November
U of Idaho Extension Office, 6451 Railroad Avenue.
3. All A.A. members are welcome and encouraged to attend district committee meetings
D. District Committee Participation
1. Only GSRs will have a vote at the district committee meeting. An alternate may vote should the GSR not be present.
2. Seven GSRs will constitute a quorum, the minimum required to do business. In the event that there are not enough GSRs to make up a quorum, members of the district committee may vote in order to make up a quorum.
3. Non-controversial housekeeping motions may be passed at the district committee meeting at which they are brought up. Motions involving large or long term financial commitments, and those amending the guidelines for district 14 should be brought back to the groups so their group conscience may be heard.
4. District committee trusted servants, elected and appointed (excluding GSRs) may be asked to resign after three (3) unexcused absences. Unexcused absences may be determined by the group conscience of the district committee.
E. District Elections
1. In October of each odd numbered year the GSRs should elect a DCM, Alt DCM, secretary and treasurer.
2. District elections are either by written ballot or show of hands, with a majority needed to elect. The district may also choose to follow the Third Legacy Procedure outlined in the A.A. Service Manual.
3. The DCM appoints standing committee chairpersons from the district's membership, subject to acceptance by the GSRs at the first meeting (January) of the new district committee.
4. It is recommended that all members of the district committee serve a term of two years, coinciding with the term of our area delegate (beginning in January of even numbered years).
5. In the spiritual principal of rotation no district trusted servant should serve more than one term consecutively.
6. The DCM should provide the incoming delegate, area secretary and area registrar with contact information (phone, address, e-mail) of our incoming DCM and alt DCM.
7. The DCM should provide the incoming area standing committee chairs with contact information (phone, address, e-mail) of our corresponding incoming standing committee chairs.
F. The General Service Representative (GSR)
1. "The general service representative has the job of linking his or her group with A.A. as a whole. The G.S.R. represents the voice of the group conscience reporting the group's thoughts to the district committee member and to the delegate, who passes them on to the Conference. This communication is a two-way street, making the G.S.R. .responsible for bringing back to the group Conference Actions that affect A.A. unity, health, and growth. Only when a G.S.R. keeps the group informed, and communicates the group conscience, can the Conference truly act for A.A. as a whole." -S26 The A.A. Service Manual 2011-2012 Edition
2.To have a GSR a group must be registered with A.A.'s General Service Office (GSO). A group may register by submitting a New Group Form to the DCM, area registrar and GSO. There are no dues or fees to register a group.
3.GSO sends a G.S.R. Kit to new GSRs. This kit contains a current A.A. Service Manual and additional information to help GSRs effectively serve their group
4. The G.S.R.s are the voting body of district 14. Only G.S.R.s may vote to pass or fail motions, approve or reject amendments to the district 14 guidelines, and elect district officers.
C. The District Committee Member (DCM)
1. "The district committee member (D.C.M.) Is an essential link between the group G.S.R. and the area delegate to the General Service Conference. As leader of the district committee, made up of all G.S.R.s in the district, the D.C.M. is exposed to the group conscience of that district. As a member of the area committee, he or she is able to pass on the district's thinking to the delegate and the committee. (The pamphlet "Your D.C.M.," available fro the Genera Service Office, provides basic information on this service job.) -S31 The A.A. Service Manual 2011-2012 Editio
2. The DCM chairs the district meetings.
3. The DCM represents the district at the area quarterlies and assemblies, sharing experiences, ideas and problems in the district with the area.
4. The DCM brings information from the delegate, area officers and others to the GSRs and the groups. This includes information on the General Service Conference, area quarterlies and assemblies, and other A.A. related events
5. The DCM may present motions from the groups to the area. This procedure is outlined in the Washington State East Area 92 Handbook.
6. The DCM provides current group and district chair information to the area registrar (alt-delegate), who passes this information to the appropriate area committee members and GSO.
7.The DCM makes a practice of talking to groups (new and old) on the responsibilities of general service work.
8. Reasonable expenses for travel, area meeting registration, mailing, telephone costs, etc. will be reimbursed upon presentation of valid receipts.
H. The Alternate District Committee Member (Alt DCM)
1. "The alternate is a backup for the D.C.M. If the D.C.M. resigns or is unable to serve for any reason, the alternate steps in. Usually, the alternate is elected at these same time as the D.C.M., by the same procedure. Alternate committee members should be encouraged to assist, participate, and share in the D.C.M.'s responsibilities at district and area meetings." -S33 The A.A. Service Manual 2011-2012 Edition
I. District Standing Committees
1. The DCM appoints standing committee chairpersons from the district's membership, subject to acceptance by the GSRs at the first meeting of each new district committee.
2. Funding for the district standing committees is dependent on the funds available. Funding should be requested at the district meeting. Approved expenses may be reimbursed upon presentation of receipts.
3. Chairpersons should bring a report to the district meeting and provide the secretary with a written and email copy (when possible). Requests for funding should be in this report
J. The District Secretary
1. The district secretary maintains a list of registered groups in district 14.
2. The district secretary maintains a current mailing list of all GSRs, the DCM, Alt DCM, district treasurer and standing conmiittee chairs.
3. The district secretary keeps accurate and complete minutes of the district meetings. If audio tapes are used, these tapes should be kept until the minutes are accepted at the next meeting.
4. These minutes are to be mailed and/or emailed to all GSRs, the DCM, Alt DCM, district treasurer and standing committee chairs. Print or email will be the option of the recipient. Minutes should be mailed before the first day of the following month.
5. The district secretary holds the key to the district's Post Office Box and receives all mail delivered there.
6. The secretary maintains a list of all approved motions.
7.The secretary is responsible for updating and printing the district guidelines. These guidelines should be made available to anyone who requests them.
8. The district secretary is to be reimbursed printing and mailing costs for district business.
9. The secretary should give the archivist any district related documents over two years old.
K. The District Treasurer
1. The treasurer receives and accounts for all monies.
2. A report of all receipts and disbursements should be made at each district committee meeting. A written copy of this report and a copy of the most recent statement for the district's bank account should be submitted to the district secretary.
3. Regular expenses include the cost of the 800 phone service, rent for archive storage and district committee meetings
4. Additional expenses should be approved by the GSRs.
5. Reimbursements of amounts in excess of $25 should be pre-approved by the district committee.
6. Current Treasurer shall be the 1st Executer of the district account
7. Alternate treasurer shall be the 2nd executer on the account
The reasonability for assigning Co-signers shall be with the current treasurer and a list of signers shall be included in the monthly treasurer’s report given at district
(amended Nov 2020)
L. 1-800 Telephone Service Committee
1. Ensures the phone service is operating.
2. Maintains a list of volunteers who are answering calls.
3. The chair person should be the contact on the phone service account.
4. The account should be billed to the districts debit card.
5. Present a report to the district committee meeting, with a written copy provided to the district secretary.
M. Activities Committee
1. The activities chairperson should hold regular meetings of the committee
2. Present a report to the district committee meeting, with a written copy provided to the district secretary.
3. The activities chairperson should guide the committee toward a goal of financial self sufficiency.
4. The chairperson is responsible to coordinate activities between local groups, neighboring districts, and WSEA 92.
N. The Archives Committee
1. The district archivist compiles and maintains a history of district 14.
2. The archive committee follows the guidelines set down by GSO.
3. Area 92 and GSO documents are archived by the Area and GSO and do not need to be kept in the district archives.
4. Present a quarterly report to the district committee meeting, with a written copy provided to the district secretary.
0. The Correctional Facilities and Treatment Facilities Committee
1. The Correctional Facilities and Treatment Facilities Committee is charged with carrying our message to jails, treatment centers and other institutions where alcoholics may be held. The main purpose is to provide meetings and literature to men and women unable to attend regular meetings on the "outside."
2. The chairperson is our districts contact for the Area 92Correctional Facilities chair and Treatment Facilities! Special Needs chair.
3. Present a report to the district committee meeting, with a written copy provided to the district secretary.
P. The Grapevine and Literature Committee
1. The Grapevine and literature committee determines the best way to distribute A.A. literature within the district.
2. Encourage subscriptions to the A.A. Grapevine: Our meeting in Print.
3. Maintain the district literature bank.
4. Make the literature bank available at all district committee meetings.
5. Present a report to the district committee meeting, with a written copy provided to the district secretary.
Q. The Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee
1. The PI/CPC committee, using A.A. Guidelines from G.S.O., strives to carry our recovery message to non-A.A. groups and to cooperate with doctors, lawyers, ministers, law enforcement officials and other professionals.
2. The chairperson is our districts contact for the Area 92 P1 chair and CPC chair.
3. Present a report to the district committee meeting, with a written copy provided to the district secretary.
R. The Schedules Committee
1. The schedules committee is responsible for updating and printing District 14 meeting schedules.
2. Distributes schedules to groups and service committees.
3. Present a report to the district committee meeting, with a written copy provided to the district secretary.
Section II Amendment Procedures
1. Proposed amendments to these guidelines should be submitted in writing to the District Committee member, with a copy to the district secretary.
2. The District Committee Member brings the proposed amendment as new business at the district committee meeting. If the amendment is seconded and approved by a simple majority vote, the amendment is to be submitted to the A.A. groups for their ratification.
3. The proposed amendment is sent to all G.S.R.s in the district meeting minutes, including a request that each G.S.R. take a group conscience on the proposed amendment and be prepared to report that conscience at the next district committee meeting.
4. A two-thirds approval by the groups reporting (at least seven groups must be represented) at the next district committee meeting shall constitute the adoption of the amendment.
5. These guidelines should be evaluated by each incoming district committee.
DCM Jerome W. 360.804.0163
ALT DCM Linda H. 208.627.3362
TREASURER Gino 208.946.9184
ALT TREASURER Nick 208.597.5766
SECRETARY Jett H. 907.280.9866
position needs filling
1-800 Number **
position needs filling
Activities Tracy P. 208.290.4163
Archives Bill B. 509.470.1998
Grapevine &
Literature Sally A. 424.422.5741
Public Information / CPC
Bruce L. 208.819.3369
Schedules Chair Tracy P. 208.290.4163
** please send all schedule changes to following email:
Treatment & Corrections
Chair: Kyle F. 208.217.8768
Bridging **
the Gap btgap@district14-aa.org
Third Legacy Chair ** position needs filling
Technology Chair ** position needs filling
Webmaster Melody M. 208.290.2924
District Committee Meetings schedule and locations
1. The district committee meets the second SUNDAYof each month at 1:30 PM
2. The location of all district meeting are being held in Sandpoint.
3. All A.A. members are welcome and encouraged to attend district committee meetings
Click here to download pdf version of District 14 Guidelines
Guidelines Approved 2021
A Declaration of Unity
This we owe to A.A.'s future; to place our common welfare first; to keep our Fellowship united. For on A.A. unity depend our lives, and the lives of those to come.
"A district is a geographical unit containing the right number or groups- right in terms of the committee member's ability to keep in frequent touch with them, to learn their problems, and to find ways to contribute to their growth and well-being."
Section I District Structure
A. District Committee
The district committee is composed of:
1. the district committee member (DCM)
2. an alternate district committee member (Alt-DCM)
3. the general service representative (GSR) of each registered group in the district
4. the district secretary
5. the district treasurer
6. the chairperson of each district standing committee
B. District Standing Committees
1. 1-800 Telephone Service Committee
2. Activities Committee
3. Archives Committee
4. Correctional Facilities and Treatment Facilities Committee
5. Grapevine and Literature Committee
6. Public Information I Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee
7. Schedules Committee
C. District Committee Meetings
1. The district committee generally meets the second Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM
2. The location of the district meeting rotates as follows:
Sandpoint, ID - February, April, June, August, October, December
Gardenia Center, 400 Church Street (across from Post Office) downstairs
Bonners Ferry, ID - January, March, May, July, September, November
U of Idaho Extension Office, 6451 Railroad Avenue.
3. All A.A. members are welcome and encouraged to attend district committee meetings
D. District Committee Participation
1. Only GSRs will have a vote at the district committee meeting. An alternate may vote should the GSR not be present.
2. Seven GSRs will constitute a quorum, the minimum required to do business. In the event that there are not enough GSRs to make up a quorum, members of the district committee may vote in order to make up a quorum.
3. Non-controversial housekeeping motions may be passed at the district committee meeting at which they are brought up. Motions involving large or long term financial commitments, and those amending the guidelines for district 14 should be brought back to the groups so their group conscience may be heard.
4. District committee trusted servants, elected and appointed (excluding GSRs) may be asked to resign after three (3) unexcused absences. Unexcused absences may be determined by the group conscience of the district committee.
E. District Elections
1. In October of each odd numbered year the GSRs should elect a DCM, Alt DCM, secretary and treasurer.
2. District elections are either by written ballot or show of hands, with a majority needed to elect. The district may also choose to follow the Third Legacy Procedure outlined in the A.A. Service Manual.
3. The DCM appoints standing committee chairpersons from the district's membership, subject to acceptance by the GSRs at the first meeting (January) of the new district committee.
4. It is recommended that all members of the district committee serve a term of two years, coinciding with the term of our area delegate (beginning in January of even numbered years).
5. In the spiritual principal of rotation no district trusted servant should serve more than one term consecutively.
6. The DCM should provide the incoming delegate, area secretary and area registrar with contact information (phone, address, e-mail) of our incoming DCM and alt DCM.
7. The DCM should provide the incoming area standing committee chairs with contact information (phone, address, e-mail) of our corresponding incoming standing committee chairs.
F. The General Service Representative (GSR)
1. "The general service representative has the job of linking his or her group with A.A. as a whole. The G.S.R. represents the voice of the group conscience reporting the group's thoughts to the district committee member and to the delegate, who passes them on to the Conference. This communication is a two-way street, making the G.S.R. .responsible for bringing back to the group Conference Actions that affect A.A. unity, health, and growth. Only when a G.S.R. keeps the group informed, and communicates the group conscience, can the Conference truly act for A.A. as a whole." -S26 The A.A. Service Manual 2011-2012 Edition
2.To have a GSR a group must be registered with A.A.'s General Service Office (GSO). A group may register by submitting a New Group Form to the DCM, area registrar and GSO. There are no dues or fees to register a group.
3.GSO sends a G.S.R. Kit to new GSRs. This kit contains a current A.A. Service Manual and additional information to help GSRs effectively serve their group
4. The G.S.R.s are the voting body of district 14. Only G.S.R.s may vote to pass or fail motions, approve or reject amendments to the district 14 guidelines, and elect district officers.
C. The District Committee Member (DCM)
1. "The district committee member (D.C.M.) Is an essential link between the group G.S.R. and the area delegate to the General Service Conference. As leader of the district committee, made up of all G.S.R.s in the district, the D.C.M. is exposed to the group conscience of that district. As a member of the area committee, he or she is able to pass on the district's thinking to the delegate and the committee. (The pamphlet "Your D.C.M.," available fro the Genera Service Office, provides basic information on this service job.) -S31 The A.A. Service Manual 2011-2012 Editio
2. The DCM chairs the district meetings.
3. The DCM represents the district at the area quarterlies and assemblies, sharing experiences, ideas and problems in the district with the area.
4. The DCM brings information from the delegate, area officers and others to the GSRs and the groups. This includes information on the General Service Conference, area quarterlies and assemblies, and other A.A. related events
5. The DCM may present motions from the groups to the area. This procedure is outlined in the Washington State East Area 92 Handbook.
6. The DCM provides current group and district chair information to the area registrar (alt-delegate), who passes this information to the appropriate area committee members and GSO.
7.The DCM makes a practice of talking to groups (new and old) on the responsibilities of general service work.
8. Reasonable expenses for travel, area meeting registration, mailing, telephone costs, etc. will be reimbursed upon presentation of valid receipts.
H. The Alternate District Committee Member (Alt DCM)
1. "The alternate is a backup for the D.C.M. If the D.C.M. resigns or is unable to serve for any reason, the alternate steps in. Usually, the alternate is elected at these same time as the D.C.M., by the same procedure. Alternate committee members should be encouraged to assist, participate, and share in the D.C.M.'s responsibilities at district and area meetings." -S33 The A.A. Service Manual 2011-2012 Edition
I. District Standing Committees
1. The DCM appoints standing committee chairpersons from the district's membership, subject to acceptance by the GSRs at the first meeting of each new district committee.
2. Funding for the district standing committees is dependent on the funds available. Funding should be requested at the district meeting. Approved expenses may be reimbursed upon presentation of receipts.
3. Chairpersons should bring a report to the district meeting and provide the secretary with a written and email copy (when possible). Requests for funding should be in this report
J. The District Secretary
1. The district secretary maintains a list of registered groups in district 14.
2. The district secretary maintains a current mailing list of all GSRs, the DCM, Alt DCM, district treasurer and standing conmiittee chairs.
3. The district secretary keeps accurate and complete minutes of the district meetings. If audio tapes are used, these tapes should be kept until the minutes are accepted at the next meeting.
4. These minutes are to be mailed and/or emailed to all GSRs, the DCM, Alt DCM, district treasurer and standing committee chairs. Print or email will be the option of the recipient. Minutes should be mailed before the first day of the following month.
5. The district secretary holds the key to the district's Post Office Box and receives all mail delivered there.
6. The secretary maintains a list of all approved motions.
7.The secretary is responsible for updating and printing the district guidelines. These guidelines should be made available to anyone who requests them.
8. The district secretary is to be reimbursed printing and mailing costs for district business.
9. The secretary should give the archivist any district related documents over two years old.
K. The District Treasurer
1. The treasurer receives and accounts for all monies.
2. A report of all receipts and disbursements should be made at each district committee meeting. A written copy of this report and a copy of the most recent statement for the district's bank account should be submitted to the district secretary.
3. Regular expenses include the cost of the 800 phone service, rent for archive storage and district committee meetings
4. Additional expenses should be approved by the GSRs.
5. Reimbursements of amounts in excess of $25 should be pre-approved by the district committee.
6. Current Treasurer shall be the 1st Executer of the district account
7. Alternate treasurer shall be the 2nd executer on the account
The reasonability for assigning Co-signers shall be with the current treasurer and a list of signers shall be included in the monthly treasurer’s report given at district
(amended Nov 2020)
L. 1-800 Telephone Service Committee
1. Ensures the phone service is operating.
2. Maintains a list of volunteers who are answering calls.
3. The chair person should be the contact on the phone service account.
4. The account should be billed to the districts debit card.
5. Present a report to the district committee meeting, with a written copy provided to the district secretary.
M. Activities Committee
1. The activities chairperson should hold regular meetings of the committee
2. Present a report to the district committee meeting, with a written copy provided to the district secretary.
3. The activities chairperson should guide the committee toward a goal of financial self sufficiency.
4. The chairperson is responsible to coordinate activities between local groups, neighboring districts, and WSEA 92.
N. The Archives Committee
1. The district archivist compiles and maintains a history of district 14.
2. The archive committee follows the guidelines set down by GSO.
3. Area 92 and GSO documents are archived by the Area and GSO and do not need to be kept in the district archives.
4. Present a quarterly report to the district committee meeting, with a written copy provided to the district secretary.
0. The Correctional Facilities and Treatment Facilities Committee
1. The Correctional Facilities and Treatment Facilities Committee is charged with carrying our message to jails, treatment centers and other institutions where alcoholics may be held. The main purpose is to provide meetings and literature to men and women unable to attend regular meetings on the "outside."
2. The chairperson is our districts contact for the Area 92Correctional Facilities chair and Treatment Facilities! Special Needs chair.
3. Present a report to the district committee meeting, with a written copy provided to the district secretary.
P. The Grapevine and Literature Committee
1. The Grapevine and literature committee determines the best way to distribute A.A. literature within the district.
2. Encourage subscriptions to the A.A. Grapevine: Our meeting in Print.
3. Maintain the district literature bank.
4. Make the literature bank available at all district committee meetings.
5. Present a report to the district committee meeting, with a written copy provided to the district secretary.
Q. The Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee
1. The PI/CPC committee, using A.A. Guidelines from G.S.O., strives to carry our recovery message to non-A.A. groups and to cooperate with doctors, lawyers, ministers, law enforcement officials and other professionals.
2. The chairperson is our districts contact for the Area 92 P1 chair and CPC chair.
3. Present a report to the district committee meeting, with a written copy provided to the district secretary.
R. The Schedules Committee
1. The schedules committee is responsible for updating and printing District 14 meeting schedules.
2. Distributes schedules to groups and service committees.
3. Present a report to the district committee meeting, with a written copy provided to the district secretary.
Section II Amendment Procedures
1. Proposed amendments to these guidelines should be submitted in writing to the District Committee member, with a copy to the district secretary.
2. The District Committee Member brings the proposed amendment as new business at the district committee meeting. If the amendment is seconded and approved by a simple majority vote, the amendment is to be submitted to the A.A. groups for their ratification.
3. The proposed amendment is sent to all G.S.R.s in the district meeting minutes, including a request that each G.S.R. take a group conscience on the proposed amendment and be prepared to report that conscience at the next district committee meeting.
4. A two-thirds approval by the groups reporting (at least seven groups must be represented) at the next district committee meeting shall constitute the adoption of the amendment.
5. These guidelines should be evaluated by each incoming district committee.
I am responsible. When anyone anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that, I am responsible.
Links to other districts and areas:
The following is for information only. In keeping with it's sixth tradition:
"AA does not endorse, finance or lend the AA name to any related facility or outside enterprise..."
Looking for Al-Anon: call 877-625-2666
Looking for Narcotics Anonymous: call 888-624-3577
Other "anonymous" organizations may be found by utilizing the search feature on your computer.
"AA does not endorse, finance or lend the AA name to any related facility or outside enterprise..."
Looking for Al-Anon: call 877-625-2666
Looking for Narcotics Anonymous: call 888-624-3577
Other "anonymous" organizations may be found by utilizing the search feature on your computer.